
Global Love Day presented by The Love Foundation @ Your community
May 1 all-day

Global Love Day

The Vision

We honor each May 1st as a symbolic day of unconditional love and call upon all people and all nations to gather together in the wisdom of peace and love.

Global Love Day is the universal recognition of our innate oneness through love. It is our vision to unite one and all in a celebration of love and compassion. Join people around the world in celebrating and expanding LOVE.

We are one humanity on this planet.
All life is interconnected and interdependent.
All share in the Universal bond of love.
Love begins with self acceptance and forgiveness.
With respect and compassion we embrace diversity.
Together we make a difference through love.

When we come from this limitless love we naturally and easily embrace ourselves and our fellow humanity. Opening our heart, we allow unconditional love to be our guide and compassion to be our gift to life.

We invite you to celebrate with us by consciously focusing on love and what it means to you throughout this day. We hope that by practicing love in all areas of your life, you will find it easy to love unconditionally all year long. Our main themes explain it best…”Love Begins With Me” and ‘Celebrating Our Humanity.”

Be a part of it. Spread the word. Share your love.

Think: Global Love Day;

Feel: Love Begins With Me;

Remember: May 1st

We Celebrate our Humanity

As we continue to connect with people and organizations around the world, we are amazed at how much is being done in efforts to positively assist humanity. There are so many wonderful people and associations that are actively working on behalf of a community, nation and even in global proportions.

As we often remind ourselves, what is presented by mainstream information sources is frequently a narrow and negative perspective of what is happening upon this planet right now. To the contrary, we see and know that good and right is occurring everywhere. Look for love and you will see it all around you.

This simple reminder changes the very nature of our experience. We are what we place our attention upon. When we allow love to be our focus of life, we expand this in our everyday activities. It is as simple as changing each perspective and allowing the negative and limiting views to be released and replaced by a higher, more loving understanding.

We appreciate and are grateful for the courage each of you express. In a world that has historically revered the negative and fear-based aspects, it takes strength to be and share love. It is time for love to become our common vision.

Please join us. Be a part of this global day by choosing love, compassion, peace, and unity. Share this information with your friends, relatives and coworkers. Love locally and spread it globally.



Our first Global Love Day was presented on May 1, 2004. A variety of celebrations and events were held by individuals and groups around the world that initial year and the day was recognized with over a dozen proclamations from prominent Governors, Mayors and Councils. Since then we have continuously expanded each year to include many more communities and nations and now have over 580 proclamations honoring the day with thousands participating individually and at events. We are into our second decade of sharing love and celebrating our humanity – will you join us?

We have a special section dedicated to Global Love Day here on our site filled with ideas of how you can get involved and host your own local event on May 1st. Follow the dropdown tab above and find some suggestions of how you can participate and also find examples of what other creative events have been held before. You can find our Global Love Day social site pages too.

Our annual Art, Essay and Poetry Invitational is held in conjunction with Global Love Day each year and encourages anyone young at heart to submit their art, essay or poetry based on the tenents and vision and theme of the day. See our Guidelines for more information on this special related program.

The Global Love Day Flyers have been translated in over 37 languages so far and all are available to download and print right from your desktop.


The Initial Vision

(An open letter from Founder Harold Becker in 2004)
The Love Foundation is delighted to announce the first annual GLOBAL LOVE DAY on May 1, 2004 with this year’s theme of Love Begins With Me. Join people from around the world as we acknowledge, celebrate and share the love we have within. This is a special day of recalling that love is the link that binds us all. It is also the awesome power that heals and transforms everything it contacts.

Each of us is a potent force of love when we allow this energy to express itself. There is nothing we have to ultimately do, rather we need only allow ourselves to feel and be love. It is that simple. Global Love Day is merely our way of saying let’s remember love is ours to be and to share every moment of our lives.

We understand this day is a symbol of what we can do every day of the year. Our intent is to join together in a conscious recognition that love is always present. For so many, love is often hidden under layers of hurt, trauma, drama, pain and suffering. Emotional memories, unspoken doubt, fear, resentment and a multitude of old beliefs often keep us from realizing these thoughts and feelings have no real power over us. We give them power by living in the past and being afraid of the future. We ignore the love that is present every moment while embracing limitation. It is time to change that. It is time to release ourselves from our own self created bondage.

You and I have the opportunity to make a difference. Together we can embrace our unlimited self, the part of us that knows love and expresses it naturally and simply. It is when we accept ourselves just for who we are that we transform the moment into peace, security, joy and love. This process begins with releasing our limiting beliefs, past mistakes, lack of self worth, pride and ego through the conscious act of forgiveness. It is up to us as individuals to undertake this journey. We begin the transformation when we turn within and accept our self. We change the world when we change our perspective.

As we come to know who we are and why we act and react the way we do, we start to see ourselves in the faces of humanity. The reflection of hurt is our hurt, their pain is our pain, another’s anger is our anger. It is also seen in the face of nature. Her destruction is our destruction. These seemingly random expressions are our past thoughts seeking manifestation. It is our constant reminder that love is the answer. We build a new reality in this current moment when we let go. When we choose love over fear, kindness over hate, integration over separation, and peace over war, we bring a new reflection to humanity… our loving selves.

So, please accept our invitation to love. Join us hand-in-hand as we share our love on this planet once again.

Love, light, and peace,
Harold W. Becker


Founder’s Address 2019

Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2019,

We join our hearts this day in celebration of life itself. Coming together around the globe, we unify our highest intention and collective potential, igniting the creative spark that lights our shared journey forward on this precious planet we call home. Realizing our magnificence as loving beings, each of us holds the key to our brightest futures. Compassion, kindness, joy and peace are our natural expressions when we recognize that love begins with me.

As one humanity on this planet, we have a common heritage and universal destiny. With each unfolding moment, we are comprehending the grandness of our personal and combined opportunities to evoke our heart-felt wisdom. It is a simple knowing that all life is interconnected and interdependent and our gift to the world is appreciating one another with grace and dignity.

We all share in the Universal bond of love and, from this essential understanding, we build fresh, new realities that infuse the very best of who we are. In this way, we consciously manifest for the greatest benefit of all. We begin with self-acceptance and forgiveness as the cornerstone to a foundation built solidly on love. This ensures we inspire, nurture, cultivate and express our dreams of a better world for our children and the earth herself.

There are infinite possibilities before us to explore as we walk in harmony with everyone and everything around us. It is with respect and compassion that we embrace diversity. We learn and grow through our countless interactions and expand far beyond the sum of our parts when we allow ourselves to evolve beyond our present perspectives. The majesty of life reveals itself within and about us when we open our hearts. Together we truly do make a difference through love.

With happiness, delight and love, I welcome you to our sixteenth Global Love Day celebration.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation

Founder’s Address Previous Years Archive

BEING & DOING PRESENTS…Practicing in the Midst – Deepening Presence, Compassion and Resilience in Times of Great Change @ Online
May 11 @ 12:00 pm – May 12 @ 7:30 pm


Practicing in the Midst

Deepening Presence, Compassion and Resilience in Times of Great Change

REGISTER FOR FREE  Live-Streamed Global Online Gathering May 11th & 12th

To accommodate our global audience, the online live-stream will have

a 24-hour replay ​on Wednesday, May 13th, in every timezone.

welcome letter from the host…

Greetings friends…

We’ve all got to follow best practices for staying safe and taking care of each other during the pandemic. This online gathering is about best practices for your inner life.

How can you rest in your own presence and non-reactivity? How can you open in compassion and let your heart’s intelligence guide your actions? How can you stay open to your experience – not grabbing onto your emotion but not bypassing it either? How can your struggles deepen your practice and bring forward new capacities?

This Being & Doing gathering will give you a chance to hear from some extraordinary, open-hearted, generous mentors. The teachers will all be live – guiding practices, taking questions and joining with you in a supportive field of collective presence. Use this opportunity to help you stay open and free inside of yourself, to nourish your resilience, and to connect with a powerful community of like-minded souls.

Jeff Charno, Being & Doing Host


You can use this Awakening in the Midst video collection right away.  

From Loch Kelly, Craig Hamilton, Diana Winston, Caverly Morgan

These aren’t ordinary guided meditations. These four short programs lead you directly into natural awakened awareness – a state of flow and effortless presence. Clarifying this in yourself is life changing and it’s easier than you think.

FREE VIDEO DOWNLOAD+ Reserve Your Place at the Gathering


PRACTICING IN THE MIDST is a free two-day LIVE online gathering bringing together ten extraordinary and generous teachers with a community of thousands of people.  Challenging times can be a powerful catalyst for personal and collective evolution. Come join us in practice.



You will learn to rest in your already awakened nature. A subtle shift opens you to freedom from the endless agitation of your mind. Touch into your deep heart and let it energize your actions.


Inquiry, mindfulness, and radical acceptance can each open doorways into unseen dimensions of your soul. Release what isn’t serving you and let your true nature lead the day.


Feeling like separate beings is a mistaken perception. Our interdependence and connection, usually buried in the background, has become more palpable than ever. We’re in these lives


Teaching Schedule for the Live Gathering

Talks, Practices and Q&A​

MONDAY – May 11th, 2020:


Effortless Mindfulness Teacher, Psychotherapist, and Author

“The important thing is to find the Self that has the capacity to bear what seemed to be unbearable, the self that can be present with all of our parts unconditionally.”



Meditation Teacher, Nonprofit Leader, and Visionary

“If you meditate to be a better person, you’ll always be busy trying to be a better person. If you meditate because you are in love with resting in your own luminous infinite being, you’ll always be in love.”



Contemporary Meditation Teacher, Bestselling Author

“Fall in love with where you are. Turn towards this – a sacred moment, unrepeatable. Trust the ebb and flow of things. Say yes to uncertainty and the unresolvedness of your life.” 



Founder of the Diamond Approach To Self-Realization

“We are not separate. Our sense of separateness is superficial and exists only in the physical dimension. Every other human being is just as precious as we are, and worthy of as much respect and love and consideration.”



Spiritual Teacher, Founder of Integral Enlightenment

“True meditation is about being fully present with everything that is – including discomfort and challenges. It is not an escape from life.”


TUESDAY – May 12th, 2020:


Founder of Gateway, Spiritual Facilitator

“Do you know how to be quiet and let go, when life challenges you and brings you to the edge?”



Wellbeing Research Professor, Director of Transformative Technology Lab

“The world’s largest scientific research project into fundamental well-being, sometimes called enlightenment, reveals the methods which actually work.”



Author, activist, authorized Lama (Buddhist Teacher) and founder of Bhumisparsha Sangha

“Let your love be the container for anger and despair. Love will not dissolve them, but will offer enough space to not get lost in them.”



Director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA, Author

“Saying yes means surrendering to your experience, whatever it is. It means feeling your body when you’re in the midst of a strong reaction or emotion… and noticing that thoughts and feelings come and go.”



Founder of Evolutionary Collective, Bestselling Author

“Right now, it feels more important than ever to come together and actively find our oneness, our goodness and our capacity to live a higher order of love as a social reality.”


Practicing in the Midst

Being & Doing is committed to creating opportunities for people to come together to practice, to celebrate community, and to recognize unending mystery and beauty (even when the sky appears to be falling).

Recordings of the live sessions will be replayed for 24-hours on Wednesday, May 13th, in every timezone.


You can also purchase the recordings for a small cost.

Being & Doing Sponsors

Spotlight on Kindness – A Weekly Offering – Presented by Kindspring
May 22 @ 12:00 am






Editor’s Note: Human beings are capable of great feats, incredible ways of contributing to our families, and communities. And yet at the same time, we can also be really messy, and bump up against each other’s shortcomings. Our lofty ideals of perfection about ourselves and of others may be setting us up for failure. Perhaps it is not so much perfection that we should aim for, but simply just compassion. –Guri




Is perfection a lie that we’ve been told all of our lives? In this short energizing video, Prince Ea has a powerful message about questioning our ideals about trying to be perfect.

“Perfection is a prison.”

from KarmaTube

How can I use this site?

There are a number of different ways to use this site! You can share about your own acts of kindness or read hundreds of inspiring stories by others. You can browse through our rich collection of kindness ideas for every occasion and age group or order Smile Cards. You can also become a part of our vibrant online community or subscribe to a newsletter. If you’re up for it you can also join our 21-Day Challenge!

Founded in 1999
We believe in the inherent generosity of others and aim to ignite that spirit of service. Through our small, collective acts, we hope to transform ourselves and the world.
ServiceSpace is a 501c3 non-profit organization. We believe in the inherent generosity of others and aim to ignite that spirit of service. Through our small, collective acts, we hope to transform ourselves and the world.
Company Overview
ServiceSpace is an organization run entirely by volunteers. We leverage technology to encourage everyday people around the world to do small acts of service. Ou See More
Founding Date

KindSpring is a 100% volunteer-run platform that allows everyday people around the world to connect and deepen in the spirit of kindness.

“Waking Up Fabulous: Taking Refuge in The Time of Corona” – A Half-Day LGBTQIA+ Community Retreat @ Zoom - Online
May 23 @ 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm

“Waking Up Fabulous: Taking Refuge in The Time of Corona” – A Half-Day LGBTQIA+ Community Retreat

In the midst of this global pandemic, taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha has never felt more important for our community and this world. As LGBTQIA+ people, in these challenging and difficult times, we recollect the power of community to know that we are not alone; that together we can begin the healing of centuries of oppression and trauma within a deep knowing of our interconnectedness and interdependence. We learn to trust the unfolding of this life and act for the benefit of all beings.

This virtual retreat is an opportunity to come together and care for ourselves: to remember who we really are and to reconnect with our innate goodness. We will explore ways of sustaining a clear and open mind, a kind heart, and a strong body. And we will engage with the ancient teachings and practices offered by the Buddha that cultivate wisdom, kindness, compassion, joy, equanimity, and skillful actions.

This virtual retreat is for all those who identify as LGBTQIA+. The program will include guided awareness and heart practices, Dharma talks, small and large group sharing, and gentle yoga.

This Virtual Retreat will be conducted on Zoom from 12:30pm – 4:30pm EST on Saturday, May 23. The virtual retreat link will be emailed to participants within twenty-four hours of your registration. Registration for this live webinar closes at 11:30am EST on May 23.

In keeping with the tradition of offering these teachings by dana, there are no fees associated with this retreat, it is by donation only. We invite you to consider making a tax-deductible contribution during the registration process. Suggested donation levels are listed, but if you would like to contribute more, please select the Participant option and type in your desired donation amount. We appreciate your support.


Madeline Klyne has loved the dharma since 1986. She is a co-founder and teacher of South Shore Insight Meditation Center (SSIMC), a core teacher at Cambridge Insight Meditation Center (CIMC), and a visiting teacher at Insight Meditation Society. Madeline teaches programs and retreats for LGBTIQ communities. Part of Madeline’s spiritual path was to come out at the age of 5. Madeline delights in exploring practice in daily life with all who are interested. Learn more at

La Sarmiento has been practicing Vipassana meditation since 1998, is a teacher and senior retreat/event manager for the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, and has been the guiding teacher of the IMCW LGBTQ and People of Color Sanghas since 2006. A 2012 graduate of the Spirit Rock Community Dharma Leaders Training Program, they also lead mindfulness retreats for teenagers with Inward Bound Mindfulness Education and retreats for Young Adults at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center. This will be La’s 5th retreat at Garrison for the LGBTIQ community. La has been a bodyworker in private practice since 1992 and a Reiki Teacher since 2004 in Washington, DC, where they reside with their life partner Wendy and their two Cairn Terriers, Annabel and MacGregor.

Lama Rod Owens is considered one of the emerging leaders of his generation of Buddhist teachers. An author, activist, and formally authorized Buddhist teacher in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism, he is the co-founder of Bhumisparsha, a Buddhist tantric practice community as well as a visiting teacher with several Buddhist centers including the Natural Dharma Fellowship and the Brooklyn Zen Center. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, Lama Rod has also been a guest faculty member at the Harvard School of Education’s program Mindfulness for Educators. He has been a regular guest on SiriusXM’s Urban Viewhosted by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Karen Hunter. He is also a co-author of Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation and his next book project “Love & Rage” exploring transformative anger and rage is due out June 2020. Lama Rod can be reached at

Jacoby Ballard has been teaching yoga for 20 years and now lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with his partner and child. His work sits at the intersection of spiritual practice and social change and has led him to consult with Insight Meditation Society, the Yoga Alliance, Lululemon, and speaking on college campuses. His current foray into study and taking the role of student is through his enrollment with the Community Dharma Leaders program at Spirit Rock. His teaching style is playful and profound, integrating the teachings of the dharma into how we move and breath on our mats and with each other. More at

Isabel Adon, LCSW, FOT, IFOT is a Bilingual Psychotherapist with an Office in Midtown, NYC. Isabel Adon is an Aboriginal Focusing Oriented Therapist and Trainer. She has over 20 years of experience in the mental health and presently works with children and families in an outpatient psychiatric setting in the Bronx. Isabel has been a volunteer rape crisis and domestic violence advocate for over nine years responding to crisis at six different NYC emergency rooms as a volunteer for the Mount Sinai SAVI program. She has extensive training in diversity work and for the past 15 years has been a practitioner of Vipassana and Ascension meditation.

Registration Options

1 – Participant
2 – Friend (Donation)
3 – Contributor (Donation)
4 – Supporter (Donation)
5 – Patron (Donation)
6 – Benefactor (Donation)


P.O.  Box 532
14 Mary’s Way, Route 9D

Garrison, NY 10524

KISS THE GROUND Weekly Conversations – We Can Do This Podcast – with Marianne Williamson @ Online
May 27 @ 1:00 pm

We Can Do This Podcast…

Episode 11:  Honoring Mothers – Marianne Williamson


Join us for Episode 11 of We Can Do This Podcast, Kiss The Ground’s Weekly Conversation hosted by Ryland Engelhart about how we can participate in the healing of our Earth and ourselves as we are one and the same.

For the month of May, our podcasts will be focused on recognizing and honoring mothers.

The REPLAY will be made available to everyone following the call via Kiss the Ground’s blog at *By registering for this event you are agreeing to receive updates from Kiss the Ground.

May 27, 2020 10:00 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Hosted by Ryland Engelhart Every Wednesday

Kiss The Ground’s weekly conversation hosted by Ryland Engelhart about how we can participate in the healing of our Earth and ourselves as we are one and the same.

Kiss the Ground is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that relies heavily on individual contributions. Your donations make it possible for us to educate youth, concerned citizens and businesses, create media, train farmers and advocate for healthy soils across the globe.
LIGHTING THE 8TH FIRE with Winona LaDuke @ online
May 28 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Thursday,  May 28, 2020 | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PDT

Add to Calendar

An Anishinaabe Prophecies, this time is known as the 7th Fire. The prophecy says that to move to the 8th Fire, we face a choice between two paths. One path is well-worn, scorched, and leads to our destruct.ion. The other path is new, green, and leads to Mino-Bimaadiziwin (the good life)

Join us as internationally-renowned activist and author Winona LaDuke – an Anishinaabekwe (Ojibwe) member of the White Earth Nation – discusses how the pandemic provides us with an opportunity to walk a new path, taking care of each other, and our Mother Earth.

Crisis can bring out the best or the worst in communities. Winona will discuss what it’s going to take to herald in a restorative, regenerative, and just society, one where we appreciate each other, localize our economy, get cleaner, and healthier.
Let us put our minds and hearts together to make a good future for our children!

Winona LaDuke is one of the world’s most tireless and charismatic leaders on issues related to climate change, Indigenous rights, human rights, green and rural economies, food justice, alternative sources of energy, and the priceless value of clean water over a career spanning nearly 40 years of activism. She is Program Director of Honor the Earth, the founder of the White Earth Land Recovery Project, and Winona’s Hemp and Heritage Farm. A graduate of Harvard and Antioch Universities, she is the author of five books, including Recovering the Sacred, All our Relations and a novel, Last Standing Woman.

TICKETS ARE SLIDING SCALE $5 – $25 to benefit speakers and artists impacted by the cancellation of events due to the pandemic. All who register will receive a link to watch live or later at their own convenience.

Closed caption version will be available 3-4 days after the live event.

Village Building Convergence – 20th Anniversary – Online Events @ online
May 29 – Jun 7 all-day for more info

VBC Starts This Friday, May 29th!

Our annual Village Building Convergence is just about here! This newsletter includes info about the online events, workshops, and yes – DISTANCE DANCING!

Feel free to browse the website for more details, including two placemaking-at-a-distance projects. And, check out this short video for an overview of the Convergence:

Registration is required to receive zoom links. All events (except the design course) are sliding scale donation, no one turned away for lack of funds, and Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color encouraged to hop on in!

Time Capsule Project: Knowledge across time

Time capsules reflect the values of a current culture, but are designed within an imagined future. They exist across time holding hopes, fears, and desires for a future civilization.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Village Building Convergence, Artist Jordan Rosenblum is working in collaboration with City Repair and event organizers will use the form of a time capsule as a collective artwork. The time capsule will document knowledge and insight generated during the events and you are invited to participate, dreaming our future/s, and acknowledging our present/s through a series of questions posed at each event.

On the closing of the VBC, a time capsule will be created in a distributed form, with participants offered to take back accumulated knowledge to our own communities.

AND!!! Stay tuned for info as we will be breaking out a time capsule the City Repair founders prepared and buried in cob 20 years ago. We’re going to break it open and share the contents over VBC!





Upcoming Events
Fri 5:30 PM PDT97 guests
Sun 4 PM PDT17 guests
May 31 – Jun 3by Village Building Convergence – Portland
Live Sessions Online
Sun 8 PM PDT21 guests
Interfaith Devotional and Dialogue with the Baha’is of Alachua County, Florida @ Online - Zoom
May 31 @ 3:00 pm

Interfaith Devotional and Dialogue
with the Baha’is of Alachua County, Florida
Sunday, May 31 – 3:00 pm Eastern
What the World Needs Now is …
Join on Zoom
OR dial  646 876 9923 – Meeting ID: 558 656 822
For more information contact
Sue Blythe <>


Jun 1 @ 12:00 am

Beginning June 1st!

Wise Woman Center • PO Box 64 • Woodstock, NY 12498 

There is a new body of work that is nudging you from the inside

ready to come to life!

This is the powerful creative pressure that can bring you to your knees…and believe it or not this is actually a good thing. When you surrender the mental loop of the WHAT and HOW and shift into A Prayer for Support and Guidance – your creative process will never be the same.

  • Strengthen your relationship with the Divine and your Creative Spirit, so you can create the pathway to ease-fully bring forward your Sacred Body of Work.
  • Address wounds and old patterns that surface as you step into your power, so you can continue expanding into your authentic self.
  • Creatively contribute to the world during this transformative time, so you’re finally able to live your vision of making the world a better place through your creative work.
  • Incorporate spiritual and creative practices into your daily routine, to strengthen your connection to your power, let go of patterns that no longer serve you and access creative freedom, play and your next level of creativity.
  • And so much more.
When you have a solid devotional and creative practice you will have the focus, confidence and power to create what is calling you and bring your sacred work to life!

This is why my friend Alexis Cohen, visionary artist, creativity mentor, and shamanic practitioner has created Paint, Pray, Flow.  It’s a complimentary interview series, starting June 1st, 2020.

It brings together more than 25 artists, healers, teachers and visionaries, including me! We will share our creative wisdom, tools and hands-on-techniques to connect to Divine Love, Peace and Prosperity.

Whether you’re new to the world of creativity and spirituality or a seasoned pro, this series is designed to support you as you collaborate with Divine Love and take your creativity to the next level!
Lilly Singh hosts CTV – Celebrating the Class of 2020 @
Jun 6 @ 8:00 pm

Celebrating the Class of 2020

Hosted by Lilly Singh, the one-hour primetime special features a star-studded lineup with special appearances by Selena Gomez, Natalie Portman, Shawn Mendes, Shay Mitchell and more.


From B.C. to the East Coast you’ll hear from special celebrity guests, plus meet incredible youth and teachers who have been giving back to their communities all year long and who even now have stepped up with new and innovative ways to do good.

You. Me. Us. Canada. WE got this.


339 Queen St. E | Toronto, Ontario | M5A 1S9 | Canada

tel: 1.416.925.5894 | fax: 1.416.925.8242 | Email:


INDIGI-AID – Helping All Our Relatives @ online
Jun 11 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Indigi-Aid, a live-stream event benefiting indigenous communities as a response to the Covid-19 crisis, will take place Thursday, June 11th from 5 to 9 pm eastern time. Artists and musicians from diverse indigenous and other communities around the United States will offer songs, dance, and storytelling.


As the Coronavirus has ravaged the Indigenous communities and threatened to inflict severe health casualties in Navajoland and many other Indigenous Nations, the Indigenous Ministries of the Episcopal Church has partnered with the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan and scores of many Episcopal communities to raise money for food, basic need items, water, and medical supplies to aid our Indigenous communities across the Episcopal Church.

In addition to the performances, we ask our friends to share a 15 to 30-second message of hope and support to our Indigenous communities with the hashtag #indigi-aid. You can message us your support short support video.
The 8th Annual Children’s Global Wave Of Love @ Your time zone and heart space!
Jun 21 @ 1:11 pm

The 8th Annual Children’s Global Wave Of Love

June 21 at 1:11 pm in your heart and time zone.

We collectively come together to cultivate and

send forth our mission

“Children Across the Planet in Love, Care, and Respect.”



We Declare June Children’s Month!!!
Since everyday is children’s day, we create a year-long, free, activity platform for children, families, communities, schools, organizations and YOU to empower

heart space and help transform the world!

Our Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide complete and total support to all children with an entire month of activities that enhance all aspects of a child’s life.

From 0-20 in age, all races, religions, backgrounds and experiences.
A month of FUN! Stewardship, social and environmental activism!
Some suggestions for Mom and Dad, teachers, youth group leaders:
do parades, dances, and plays; songwriting and artwork; write letters to Congress, Parliament, Kings and Queens; shoot some documentaries and music videos; plant gardens—anything you can think of that does something good for the children !
Some suggestions for children:
send us your videos of what you are doing in…
music, dance, sk8 boarding…
Tell us your story !
Where are you at in the world?
What do you want to see happen?
Here is our new email address!